3 Ways Young Adults Can Find Direction in Their Life When Feeling Lost

It’s not uncommon for young adults to have some struggles when it comes to “finding” themselves. It’s a time in your life where you have multiple paths and directions to choose from. It can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders as you decide what—and who—to be.
So, it’s easy to feel a little bit lost.
Unfortunately, that feeling can lead to even more confusion, creating a vicious cycle that leaves you wondering where you’re supposed to go and what you’re supposed to do. It can even cause you to experience anxiety and fear of the future, rather than feel excitement over it.
Thankfully, things don’t have to be that way.
If you’re looking for direction in your life, especially when you’re feeling lost, there are some helpful tips that can guide you along your way. Let’s cover a few of them.
1. Ask Yourself What You Would Do With Your Life if There Were No Limitations
Often, people hold themselves back from things because of limitations and “restrictions” in life.
Maybe you think you don’t have enough money to go to college.
Maybe you don’t have enough time to take on something you’re passionate about.
Or, maybe you believe don’t have the skills to land that job you want.
When you put your limitations at the forefront of your mind, it can cause you to feel “turned around and upside down”, because your brain is fighting against what it naturally wants to do. You’re holding yourself back, and that can make you feel lost and. confused.
For a moment, ask yourself what it is you would want to do (for work, and in general) if there would no limitations.
How would you dress? Where would you go? What would a perfect day look like?
From there, consider things in your current life that make you happy and fulfilled, and things you feel are holding you back. Decide what you can change or remove to push past some of those limitations. Doing so will give you a clearer picture of the direction you want.
2. Create a Plan
Once you’re able to be truly honest with yourself, create a plan of action. Determine your priorities and list them in order of importance.
The best thing you can do is step out of your comfort zone. When you stay there for too long, the dreams you have and the passion burning inside you will start to get weaker. Unfortunately, you’ll also probably feel less fulfilled, and might even struggle with unhappiness and depression.

Sometimes, people stay in their comfort zones, even if they’re miserable, because they’re scared of the “what ifs”.
By creating a plan—even if it includes taking baby steps—you can break free from that comfort and embrace the “what ifs” as they come.
3. Lean On Your Support System
One of the most important things to recognize when you’re looking for direction is that you’re not alone.
At this stage in your life, you have more people to lean on than you probably ever will again. You can look to your parents, peers, older siblings and other family members, guidance counselors, and teachers for help. Talking to people who have found their purpose and direction, and even those who have struggled to do so can put things in perspective.
If you’re really struggling with feeling lost, seeking out professional with young adult counseling help can make a big difference. This feeling doesn’t last forever, and you don’t have to give up the passion that’s inside you just because of life’s limitations.
Feel free to contact us at 916.740.6424 or info@thedavisgroup.org.